The week ahead...although finals are here, my work load is coming to a gradual nonexistent phase. however, there are still project to finish and complete. With that being said my plans for study skills/ reading strategies are this: to do lists, SQ3R, note cards, time managing, and paraphrasing.
In my counseling class much to my surprise we will be having a final, so in order to prepare for this I will be looking over each of my chapters and their main topics and attempting to paraphrase them in order to make sure that I know my stuff. this will prepare for the final and give me reason to show that I am prpared for the ending test. All the while, while giving me a little stress relief.
In my math class I will continue to use and study daily 3X5 cards. This will help through consitency to remeber and be able to visualize the cards and thier definitons upon being tested. I find that this helps greatly with remebering and being able to see the card as I am actually testing.
In my english class we are preparing for the final in class essay, so I will be disecting an essay and a movie and developing my thoughts into a paper. My paln is to use the SQ3R for the essay that needs to be read so that I can really have alot of time put into thinking about the topic I will be required to write about.
Alll through the week time managment will be extremly important, as all of my classes will need time designated to them for finals preparation. To do lists will and are a daily part of my regimine, as Heather Halverson said "It does feel quite rewarding just to cross things off, a true high".
In consideration to my post last week: what helped was the actual writing things down. I try my best to be a girl of my word, so haing it here publicly published even, made me hughly accountable. Hence, for the most part I did what I said I was going to do. All except study the math 3X5 cards and that was because after seeing the teacher I was told I caould use the formulas fromthe book (I didn't have to have them memorized). This was great news! Well one thing I am doing differently, unfortunately will be to turn this assignment in on time. As I sit in front of the computer Sunday evenig at 8:56 p.m. sadly it is too late to recieve credit for this. Although, having a to do list I conviently did not pay it much attention the past two days. So it actually brings up another thing to do differently: Pay attention to my to do list.....not just write them.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Word - Stigmatized
Magazine Sentence - "Simple things, like filling out enrollment cards, "became opportunities to feel stigmatized," he says."
Context Clue - Within this sentence the context clue that seems most prevalent would be the two words "simple things" this leads the reader to believe that the tasks were not out of the ordinary, nor are they things that one would typically associate with the4 hardships of divorce. Also by giving an example "like filling out report cards" the reader is given the notion that supplying personal information is somehow going to be degrading. The word "became" seems to also foreshadow the presence of something that was not there, but now is out in the open. "Oppotunities" is used to bring satire to the sentennce with a touch of realism.
My Sentence - When my aunts husband left for ciggarettes one day and never returned the event stigmatized the whole family.
Word - Idyllic
Magazine Sentence - "It was time to forge our own path, to break away from our parents' failed attempts at idyllic domesticity and set things right."
Context Clue - The lives of their parents were anything but charmingly simple. So the context clue in here is "the failed attempts" it suggests that the word idyllic means somethig normal or perhaps of perfection. Also the phrase "set things right" goes hand in hand with idyllic, meaning that the word comes across as having a postive meaning with this phrase following after it.
My Sentene -Is a home with a white picket fence really idyllic?
Word - Domesticity
Magazine Sentence - "It was time to forge our own path, to break away from our parents' failed attempts at idyllic domesticity and set things right."
Context Clue - The context clue in this sentence is the word itself. I am familar with domestic so I knew it had something to do with home life, but the ending -ity I was not aware of the meaning.
My Sentence - Domesticity comes natural to me...I just love being at home and caring for the so called mundane chores.
Magazine Sentence - "Simple things, like filling out enrollment cards, "became opportunities to feel stigmatized," he says."
Context Clue - Within this sentence the context clue that seems most prevalent would be the two words "simple things" this leads the reader to believe that the tasks were not out of the ordinary, nor are they things that one would typically associate with the4 hardships of divorce. Also by giving an example "like filling out report cards" the reader is given the notion that supplying personal information is somehow going to be degrading. The word "became" seems to also foreshadow the presence of something that was not there, but now is out in the open. "Oppotunities" is used to bring satire to the sentennce with a touch of realism.
My Sentence - When my aunts husband left for ciggarettes one day and never returned the event stigmatized the whole family.
Word - Idyllic
Magazine Sentence - "It was time to forge our own path, to break away from our parents' failed attempts at idyllic domesticity and set things right."
Context Clue - The lives of their parents were anything but charmingly simple. So the context clue in here is "the failed attempts" it suggests that the word idyllic means somethig normal or perhaps of perfection. Also the phrase "set things right" goes hand in hand with idyllic, meaning that the word comes across as having a postive meaning with this phrase following after it.
My Sentene -Is a home with a white picket fence really idyllic?
Word - Domesticity
Magazine Sentence - "It was time to forge our own path, to break away from our parents' failed attempts at idyllic domesticity and set things right."
Context Clue - The context clue in this sentence is the word itself. I am familar with domestic so I knew it had something to do with home life, but the ending -ity I was not aware of the meaning.
My Sentence - Domesticity comes natural to me...I just love being at home and caring for the so called mundane chores.
4-27-08 thru 5-3-08
To Do List
1. Go to the hospital for contrast.
2. Do 1 chapter of math homework.
3. Begin essay #4. Spend 1/2 hour develpoing a first draft.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
What's coming up
The strategies that I will be using this week will be: 3X5 cards, associating ideas, making personal connections, SQ3R (survey, question, read, recite, and review).
The week ahead holds many challenges for me...up until this week I have been doing well in my on-line math class. I still understand the concepts that we are learning. The only problem is that this week there are so many formulas to remember that I am getting a little nervous. If I had time perhaps it would not be so bad, but I have just been introduced to these formulas and the test is Thursday. So my immediate plan is to make 3X5 cards that have the formulas on them, along with any type of examples or personal associations I can make that will enable me to memorize them. I will be studying these cards every time I have a few minutes to spare, it will probably average out to about 30 minutes each day. Another thing that I am going to do is to meet with my professor during his office hours to get some outside help and to see if he has any suggestions on how to make the formulas stick so that I can pass the test and hopefully remember the concepts for the next time that I need them; like the final exam thats coming up in a few weeks.
I plan to use the SQ3R in my counseling 151 class. In this class I have noticed that my main goal is just to get the assignments completed, with little care to what I actually take from the homework. So my plan for this is to put some time into. I know that SQ3R takes alot more time than just reading through it so that is where I plan to begin.
These skills are important to accomplish the tasks that I need to because witout them I would have no idea how to prepare for a test or how to really achieve the most out of my learning and the time I put into it. All of the study/reading stratgies that I have choosen will allow me to get the best benefit from my studying and will also hone the skills themselves. For the most part becoming an active student is new to me, and by practicing these skills often soon they will become like second nature and natural to me.
The week ahead holds many challenges for me...up until this week I have been doing well in my on-line math class. I still understand the concepts that we are learning. The only problem is that this week there are so many formulas to remember that I am getting a little nervous. If I had time perhaps it would not be so bad, but I have just been introduced to these formulas and the test is Thursday. So my immediate plan is to make 3X5 cards that have the formulas on them, along with any type of examples or personal associations I can make that will enable me to memorize them. I will be studying these cards every time I have a few minutes to spare, it will probably average out to about 30 minutes each day. Another thing that I am going to do is to meet with my professor during his office hours to get some outside help and to see if he has any suggestions on how to make the formulas stick so that I can pass the test and hopefully remember the concepts for the next time that I need them; like the final exam thats coming up in a few weeks.
I plan to use the SQ3R in my counseling 151 class. In this class I have noticed that my main goal is just to get the assignments completed, with little care to what I actually take from the homework. So my plan for this is to put some time into. I know that SQ3R takes alot more time than just reading through it so that is where I plan to begin.
These skills are important to accomplish the tasks that I need to because witout them I would have no idea how to prepare for a test or how to really achieve the most out of my learning and the time I put into it. All of the study/reading stratgies that I have choosen will allow me to get the best benefit from my studying and will also hone the skills themselves. For the most part becoming an active student is new to me, and by practicing these skills often soon they will become like second nature and natural to me.
Monday, April 21, 2008
China Feels the Heat
Word - Unfurled Pg.28
Magazine Sentence - "A "tiny number" of people representing the forces of "separatism, terrorism and extremism" unfurled a "splittist" banner in the bazaar, one site said."
Context Clue - The context clues are the synonyms within this sentece which are splittist and separtism. Both of these words mean to spread away from the grain.
My sentece - When the riot broke out, all the patrons that were shopping in the mall ran unfurling to destinations of satey.
Word - Petulant Pg.28
Magzine Sentence - "In recent weeks China has been acting less like a budding superpower than a tin-pot dictatorship-petulant, preachy, defiant."
Context Clue - The context clues in the sentence is the beginning the sentence says that "in the recent weeks" and petulant means to happen suddenly. This show that prior to these past few weeks that things on their side were not at an irritable stance.
My Sentence - When I was younger a normal response to any type of question my mother would have would be to petulantly roll my eyes and respond with "I don't know".
Word - Ire Pg. 28
Magazine Sentence - "If China craves international legitimacy, the regime fears the nationalist ire of the people even more."
Context Clue - The context clues come from the general sense of the sentence. It implies that they fear somthing that the people are doing, and with all this going on the reader can draw the conclusion that the people are angry.
My Sentence - The other day when my boyfriend and I were talking, he began to remind me of my ex-boyfriend...this filled my whole being with heated ire.
Magazine Sentence - "A "tiny number" of people representing the forces of "separatism, terrorism and extremism" unfurled a "splittist" banner in the bazaar, one site said."
Context Clue - The context clues are the synonyms within this sentece which are splittist and separtism. Both of these words mean to spread away from the grain.
My sentece - When the riot broke out, all the patrons that were shopping in the mall ran unfurling to destinations of satey.
Word - Petulant Pg.28
Magzine Sentence - "In recent weeks China has been acting less like a budding superpower than a tin-pot dictatorship-petulant, preachy, defiant."
Context Clue - The context clues in the sentence is the beginning the sentence says that "in the recent weeks" and petulant means to happen suddenly. This show that prior to these past few weeks that things on their side were not at an irritable stance.
My Sentence - When I was younger a normal response to any type of question my mother would have would be to petulantly roll my eyes and respond with "I don't know".
Word - Ire Pg. 28
Magazine Sentence - "If China craves international legitimacy, the regime fears the nationalist ire of the people even more."
Context Clue - The context clues come from the general sense of the sentence. It implies that they fear somthing that the people are doing, and with all this going on the reader can draw the conclusion that the people are angry.
My Sentence - The other day when my boyfriend and I were talking, he began to remind me of my ex-boyfriend...this filled my whole being with heated ire.
Week of April 21 - April 27 2008
To Do List
1. A lesson from my math homework.
2. Study my math terms that are on 3x5 cards.
3. Read my Bible.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Scions of the Surge
1.Word - privations Pg.28
Magazine Sentence - "He became a squared-away soldier, demanding of his troops yet
sleeping and eating with them , and sharing their privations and dangers."
Context Clue - In this sentence what I was able to draw from the text was that it
was not a good thing. The word dangers is what lead me to believe that. Also if you are sharing your area with many other people than you are lacking the normal comforts of life that you once had.
Sentence - I recently donated money to help buy shoes for the privations that the children in Kenya are experiencing.
Defintion - Lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life.
2. Word - precipitously Pg.30
Magazine Sentence - "While it's too soon to say Iraq has turned the corner, the violence in Baghdad and most of the country has since declined precipitously."
Context Clue - The context clue within in this sentence is the antonym of percipitously which is declined.
Sentence - Mount Everest is extremely precipitously, some experienced climbers are not able to endure the incline.
Definition - extremely or impassably steep.
3. Word - ascendant Pg.32
Magazine Sentence - "In Bayaa, the Shiite Mahdi Army, loyal to cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, was ascendant."
Context Clue - The context clues within this sentence rely on the little baground information that I do have...and that would be that anyone one of a ranking from this area has a reputation to be nasty and forceful, but also is highly respected sometimes to the point of violence.
Sentence - Being ascentdant sounds as if these men in those seats of power have gotten there by enforcing their own beliefs and ways of conquering others.
Definiton - a position of dominance or controlling influence: possession of power, superiority, or preeminence.
Magazine Sentence - "He became a squared-away soldier, demanding of his troops yet
sleeping and eating with them , and sharing their privations and dangers."
Context Clue - In this sentence what I was able to draw from the text was that it
was not a good thing. The word dangers is what lead me to believe that. Also if you are sharing your area with many other people than you are lacking the normal comforts of life that you once had.
Sentence - I recently donated money to help buy shoes for the privations that the children in Kenya are experiencing.
Defintion - Lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life.
2. Word - precipitously Pg.30
Magazine Sentence - "While it's too soon to say Iraq has turned the corner, the violence in Baghdad and most of the country has since declined precipitously."
Context Clue - The context clue within in this sentence is the antonym of percipitously which is declined.
Sentence - Mount Everest is extremely precipitously, some experienced climbers are not able to endure the incline.
Definition - extremely or impassably steep.
3. Word - ascendant Pg.32
Magazine Sentence - "In Bayaa, the Shiite Mahdi Army, loyal to cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, was ascendant."
Context Clue - The context clues within this sentence rely on the little baground information that I do have...and that would be that anyone one of a ranking from this area has a reputation to be nasty and forceful, but also is highly respected sometimes to the point of violence.
Sentence - Being ascentdant sounds as if these men in those seats of power have gotten there by enforcing their own beliefs and ways of conquering others.
Definiton - a position of dominance or controlling influence: possession of power, superiority, or preeminence.
4-7-08 - 4-13-08
To Do List
1. Work a 1/2 hour on English essay #3
2. Get a referral faxed to the doctor's office
3. Study vocabulary words
Monday, March 31, 2008
Newsweek What Woman Want: Gender, Class, and Hillary
Word - Kevlar - Page 30
Context Clues - When I read the sentence the clues within the article that allowed me to understand what the author was getting at were: wearing and top, both of these words sandwhiched the vocabulary word, making it known that it was a kind of clothing.
Sentence - Recently, after learning what a Kevlar top was I was able to identify one at a department store.
Word - Rorschach Test - Page 34
Context Clues - From reading this sentence I knew that it had something to do with some kind of test as it was labeled in the vocabulary word. Also it spoke about emotions which lead me to think that they must be involved.
Sentence - I have heard of the Rorschach Test, but I never knew the accurate name by which professionals call it.
Word - haranguing - Page 33
Context Clues - Within this sentence the context clues that were available were: scolding by my mother. Not each individual may of been scolding, but for the ones that weren't I do believe most of us have at least heard a story or new someone who had been. This helped me to draw the conclusion that it was not a good thing.
Sentence - During my adolescence my grandfather gave me many haranguing talks, which now not only do I look back with fondness but I actually miss.
Context Clues - When I read the sentence the clues within the article that allowed me to understand what the author was getting at were: wearing and top, both of these words sandwhiched the vocabulary word, making it known that it was a kind of clothing.
Sentence - Recently, after learning what a Kevlar top was I was able to identify one at a department store.
Word - Rorschach Test - Page 34
Context Clues - From reading this sentence I knew that it had something to do with some kind of test as it was labeled in the vocabulary word. Also it spoke about emotions which lead me to think that they must be involved.
Sentence - I have heard of the Rorschach Test, but I never knew the accurate name by which professionals call it.
Word - haranguing - Page 33
Context Clues - Within this sentence the context clues that were available were: scolding by my mother. Not each individual may of been scolding, but for the ones that weren't I do believe most of us have at least heard a story or new someone who had been. This helped me to draw the conclusion that it was not a good thing.
Sentence - During my adolescence my grandfather gave me many haranguing talks, which now not only do I look back with fondness but I actually miss.
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