Monday, April 21, 2008

China Feels the Heat

Word - Unfurled Pg.28
Magazine Sentence - "A "tiny number" of people representing the forces of "separatism, terrorism and extremism" unfurled a "splittist" banner in the bazaar, one site said."
Context Clue - The context clues are the synonyms within this sentece which are splittist and separtism. Both of these words mean to spread away from the grain.
My sentece - When the riot broke out, all the patrons that were shopping in the mall ran unfurling to destinations of satey.

Word - Petulant Pg.28
Magzine Sentence - "In recent weeks China has been acting less like a budding superpower than a tin-pot dictatorship-petulant, preachy, defiant."
Context Clue - The context clues in the sentence is the beginning the sentence says that "in the recent weeks" and petulant means to happen suddenly. This show that prior to these past few weeks that things on their side were not at an irritable stance.
My Sentence - When I was younger a normal response to any type of question my mother would have would be to petulantly roll my eyes and respond with "I don't know".

Word - Ire Pg. 28
Magazine Sentence - "If China craves international legitimacy, the regime fears the nationalist ire of the people even more."
Context Clue - The context clues come from the general sense of the sentence. It implies that they fear somthing that the people are doing, and with all this going on the reader can draw the conclusion that the people are angry.
My Sentence - The other day when my boyfriend and I were talking, he began to remind me of my ex-boyfriend...this filled my whole being with heated ire.

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